The Sentiment Behind My Bead/Charm Obsession

BeadMasCharmed Life Day 5

Welcome to Day 5 of OHM Beads BeadMas for 2019! I am excited to be hosting day 5 on my blog – which hardly gets any love, by the way. I want to share why I am so obsessed with collecting these tiny little pieces of silver. While part of it is my addictive personality, my love of creating something beautiful, and my love of mini figures… it all stems from the sentiment around each piece! When I was younger I was always creating jewelry just for fun with beads, leathers, you name it. I was a kid dragging my mom to the nearest Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, or local mom and pop shop to get all the gadgets I needed to create my works of art! As I got older I continued with it but I wasn’t committed. Life got busy, I started my career, and I forgot all about it. Until I became a mother. I wanted to scrapbook but I just couldn’t seem to make it happen. In December 2016 I discovered Pandora and fell in love. Three months later I discovered OHM Beads. Not only where they gorgeously designed mini figures made out of silver – but they meant something. Maybe the meaning is a literal representation of something or maybe it takes some interpretation. Either way I was so excited to create my first bracelet. I basically figured out I could “scrapbook” on a bracelet to capture all my memories. Thus, the obsession began.

I am often asked what charm is the most meaningful charm to me. My answer will always be (whether Ohm Beads or Pandora) a pretzel. People often assume I must REALLY love pretzels. I actually don’t. I’ve just recently really acquired a liking for them. The meaning stems from holding my newborn in my arms and trying to talk cutesy to her. I was in love with this little baby girl who I named Presley. During my baby talk to her, instead of calling her my little “Pres” or “Pres-ils” I kept on calling her Pretzels!!! It stuck! To this day she calls herself Pretzels when referring to her nickname. When I see a pretzel it represents my daughter and those feelings one feels their first time as a mother. The moment when you never knew it was possible to love someone as much as you loved that little baby sleeping your arms. She’s 4 now, but will forever be my little Pretzels!

Presley in Disneyland December 2019 w/ a Mickey Pretzel

I find it fitting that today’s giveaway should be Ohm’s Assaulted Pretzel (isn’t that the best name ever btw?!). To enter, comment on this blog between now and 10pm MST on 12/6/19 for your chance to be randomly selected for this charm. Your comment must include what your most meaningful bead/charm is and what it means to you. Please leave your Instagram Name as well so I may contact you if you win! I look forward to reading all your comments! Good luck everyone and I hope you are all enjoying 12 Days of BeadMas!

❤ Nichol

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92 thoughts on “The Sentiment Behind My Bead/Charm Obsession

  1. Eustolia Hidalgo December 6, 2019 — 5:15 am

    The “auntie” charm from pandora! I recently became an aunt for the very first time, me and my husband don’t have any kids so this was a whole new journey for us. Don’t tell my sister but I pretend sometimes he’s mine when people ask 🤦🏻‍♀️ Lol
    (My Instagram name is eustoliadg2f)


    1. Awww!! Becoming an aunt was such a special time for me too!!!! That’s hilarious that you will pretend he’s yours!! I love it!!


  2. Too sweet. My most meaningful charm is the dangle paper crane from Pandora. Ever since I was little I loved the story and it’s followed me through life. I’ve been to the peace park in Japan, the first play we put on at my current job was the Thousand paper crane play and my first tat was a paper crane outline. I just loved the story and meaning behind making paper cranes and I’ve made many many cranes in my life over the years



    1. Soooo thats where the love of the paper cranes comes from!!


  3. Absolutely loved reading your blog post, Nichol! Lovely to see such sweet pictures too and hear about you always loving to create jewellery or different craft items! So so fun!

    The two pretzel charms are so so very special and just perfect for you!!!

    I have such a hard time answering such bead is my most meaningful. I usually end up saying my first pandora charm, the moon some charm. It represents my recovery and victory from an illness that I ended up almost dying from! I ended up being in a hospital for a while and during that time, I found this beautiful moonstone necklace and I treated myself to it! Back then, I didn’t do that very often. A short later on…I discovered pandora and fell in love with their moonstone charm and the whole idea of caring memories and meanings with you. It wasn’t until later that I ended up getting my first bracelet and my moonstone bead!

    Besides that, I love the journey charm you got me! And my entire something blue bracelet. And my Harlow beads. And… okay, all of them, hahaha.



    1. How could you not choose your moonstone charm as your most meaningful! You are so resilient and inspiring!!

      Yay!!! Journey …. and all the rest of them!! 🤣🤣🤣

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Nathalie Bottinga December 6, 2019 — 5:24 am

    My most meaningful charm I have is the dolphin charm from pandora because I love dolphins so much and it represents a dolphin really well.



    1. Awesome! Frog charms are a close second fave for me because I love frogs 😊


  5. Nichol, I love the meaning behind why you collect beads and charms. “Scrapbook on a bracelet” YES! That is the best way to describe this love (and obsession) we have!!! 👏👏 I love your little “Pretzel” – she’s the best and you’re the best momma!!!

    It’s so hard to pick a favourite bead, but I think i would have to say The retired, two tone Pandora carriage. It reminds me of Cinderella (my favourite princess) and all the magic that comes with her story.

    Also, have you ever tried Auntie Anne’s pretzels?!! They’re my fave and so different from all the rest! 😂😂👏👏


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Rita!! You are too sweet!!!

      How could you not pick something Cinderella-ish!

      I have once! In Vegas. So I don’t quite remember it 😂. BUT the first pretzel I actually liked was a street pretzel in Philadelphia.


  6. Hi nicole! I’m alis from mexico. I’ve just read this lovely history and I love it!!!
    My favorite charm is a pandora’s rabbit dangle. For a while, rabbits were so important in my life (I do not why) not just like an animal, just like a symbol. My ex boyfriend used to call me rabbit and my boyfriend (now in the present) once said I look like one. So I think the rabbits and bunnys are part of me.

    On the other hand, it is my first time at your blog! And I love it! Keep the hard work!!


    1. Hi Alis! Your story reminds me of my love of frogs … I can’t quite pin exactly how it started!

      Welcome to my blog! I don’t do it as often but I would like too!


  7. Alejandra Estevez December 6, 2019 — 5:35 am

    It’s hard to pick just one charm! But I would say it’s the You Keep Me Warm dangle. I don’t get Pandora as a gift – surprisingly – since I get mostly cash or gift cards. I had a few items on hold at my local Jared – about 25 min outside where we live – and my sister drove there to pick a charm for me, and that’s the one she picked. It’s so special and meaningful and I love the snow so the snowflake is extra special (and also since I have a December birthday). It meant so much to me that she took the time to drive there and pick something she thought I would like that I was holding back my tears of happiness. 😊



    1. That’s just the sweetest story Alejandra!! Thank you for sharing!!


  8. Pigeonsandpandora December 6, 2019 — 5:44 am

    The pretzel is so perfect and so special!!! I really want to get myself and my daughters the pretzel charm!! Since they could eat, we have our mom and daughter tradition of going to the mall and getting “pretzels and See’s.” That’s wetzels pretzels and See’s candy. We do it at least once a week! For years! All the employees know us 🤣It’s kinda embarrassing actually. I keep wanting to buy the assaulted pretzel but feel guilty to just buy myself one but never want to spend money on three at once for me and both girls’ bracelets. Lol I should’ve done it for Christmas! I’m not sure what my most special charm is. That’s tough. But I really love that my oldest daughter and I got the Disneyland Diamond Anniversary charms. We snuck away just the two of us and did a super quick and sneaky two days in Disneyland together. It was so special to have the one on one time there like that. She’s my best friend (as Presley is yours!❤️). These charms really do create sentimental feelings from memories we can look back on so fondly.


    1. I just saw Wetzels Pretzels today in downtown Disney! I should have gotten one!

      I love that you had a one on one day is Disneyland – i think that dedicated time is so important! And you have a charm to remember it!

      Good luck on this giveaway!


  9. Ohhh my story of loving beads is so close to yours! My first charm was the Prince from Pandora and it’s the most loved one! Together with the heart (fronsite Mickey and Minnie kissing,backside “Believe in Magic “) means my life to me-my child,my little boy,who just turned 3 years! Long time I couldn’t have children, but I never gave up and I was believing, it will happen! And my magic came true! With 42 I gave birth to my little prince! I also painted the moon with the little prince on it on my pregnant belly!!!
    My Instagram is miryanova_elena


    1. Ooooooh I love this story! Congrats on getting your little prince!


  10. My favorite bead is Bunny Angel. I got this a couple of days after the death of my cat, whom I affectionately called the “bunny”. Now this bead reminds me of him, he became an angel and flew to heaven …


    1. My IG is @mutaborann


    2. That’s so sweet!!! Sorry for the loss of bunny!


  11. My most meaningful charm is my first one, the little Pandora frog which my daughter bought for me as I have a frog obsession. I didn’t think I would ever be able to fill a bracelet up 😂😂😂😂


    1. Ooooh the days where it seemed like forever to fill one of this up. Ooops! Lol. My frog charms are close second favorites!


  12. I have so meaningful charms, but one of my most meaningful charms is the Chamilia cross charm, which I got when my nephew was born, and was my very first charm.


  13. Maud Bietighoefer December 6, 2019 — 7:17 am

    I discover your blog and I love it! It is so sweet. A very meaningful charm for me is an old two tone Pandora one : the nightingale in cage.
    It reminds me the Andersen’s fairytale. I am a hudge fan of fairytales, I enjoyed spending time reading tales to my children when they were little kids.
    “the nightingale is my favourite one” because it deals about freedom. It says that some natural things can’t be copied and can’t be owned. And if you love someone (here it’s a bird) , you have to let him free and you won’t be forgotten. I am a very careful mother but I try to let my children free. (I am sorry my english is so ugly… )


  14. My most meaningful charm is the pandora lucky penny pendant. I bought that charm in a moment of my life when things weren’t going very well and all has changed for the good since then. So that charm has a really sentimental value to me.
    My instagram: mycharmdmoments1974


    1. I just love the lucky penny! I’m so glad to hear things turned around for you!!


  15. Such a lovely story about your pretzel charm Nichol! I never knew that was the reason you were looking for a pretzel charm. I indeed also thought you loved pretzels but your story has so much more meaning to it!

    My most meaningful bead is Pandora’s two tone sitting fairy holding a golden heart. It is very precious to me, because my mother always gave me little fairy statues when I was younger (which I still have). She encouraged me to open my mind to fantasy as she told me about the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, elfs and many more fantasy figures. I was a big believer because of that which was also the reason why my childhood was what I would call pure magical! The fairy represents my mother (she looks like one) embracing the love for all that belongs to what we call fantasy and it also reminds me of myself since my love for fantasies always lived on since then!


    1. Yes!!!! I’m so excited I shared this story. It was her very first nickname and those days I was just living with my head in the clouds.

      You’re meaning is very special!!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Newpandoraholicbg Tedi December 6, 2019 — 7:43 am

    Hey , Nichol 🤗!
    My favorite and most meaningful charm is the kissing Mickey and Minnie . Yes everyone loves a little Disney in their life but that is not the reason why this charm has so much meaning for me . It was a charm i got the first New Years eve i got to spent with my boyfriend together in London and it was a magical experience -just the two of us walking around the magically decorated London … so yes this is my most meaningful charm .

    Thanks for hosting such a fun activities around Christmas time and make us be more creative !



    1. Awww Tedi – I love when the sentiment isn’t an obvious one. I love that it represents your first New Years!

      This beadmas is so fun!! Thank you for participating!!


  17. Rachael mottershaw December 6, 2019 — 8:04 am

    I have two sentimental charm one that my husband give me on are 20th wedding anniversary. The other one is the pandora train charm my sons give me last Christmas it reminds my mum and dad who I have both lost.


    1. Awww Rachael – so special … hopefully looking at your train charm brings you wonderful memories of them!


  18. Ohm’s love hurts looks a lot like me. My mom has been dead for almost 16 years and since then I have been trying to rebuild myself…
    (My Instagram name Lilyletourneur)


    1. This literally made me get a lump in my throat. Keep on trucking along! You will rebuild yourself in time!


  19. My oh my……. I absolutely LOVE the meaning behind your Pretzel charm. I am a Mother to two little girls and I would have to say my favorite charm would be from Pandora. The charm is a Murano bead that is purple and blue with beautiful flowers. It represents to me both my girls birthstone colors. When I acquired the charm we were spending the summer with my Mother for a month (just the girls) and it was filled with the best little memories and an irreplaceable moment in time. I want to win the pretzel charm because it is on my wishlist. It reminds me of my Father who passed away 4 years ago suddenly- when I was little we would always go to Pennsylvania and by the Amish. We would eat soft big Pretzels and spend quality time together. Boy do I miss him everyday!!


    1. Wonderful sentiment behind your charms Alessandra!!! My condolences for the loss of your dad!


  20. My favorite bead is the Pandora small dangle gold star ⭐️! This is and will always be my favorite because it reminds me of when I was 22 and my baby sister was 11 months old. Our mother had cancer and no one knew. She passed away and left me with my sister! Scared and trying to be brave for my sister we made it trough! My sister would NOT eat anything!!! Her favorite thing was chicken and stars. But NOT just chicken and stars! I had to sit and pick out ONLY the tiny stars ⭐️ and feed them to her! That was her favorite! So one day I go into a Pandora store and see the little gold dangle star bead ⭐️! And I had to have it!! It looked just like the little stars I would sit and feed my baby sister! It means the world to me! It reminds me that when I was in a really tough part of life..I made it! We made it!! It reminds me of my sister! The biggest part of my life! So that is why I pick the Pandora gold star dangle⭐️ As my favorite bead!! It always will be!! Thanks Nichol! My Instagram is t25b49


    1. Oh Tiffany!! This just brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story!! You are such an inspiration!!

      And I know those stars too well!!!! Presley also makes me tAke out the chicken, carrot, and celery chunks!


  21. My favorite charm is my “To teach is to love charm” because it reminds me about my students (past, present and future). It’s not easy being a teacher and the money is not much, but knowing that I am making a difference in a child’s life means more to me than anything. Staying up late and planning makes it all worth it. Providing a safe and nurturing environment for them to learn and grow is important and I’m happen to be a apart of that process in life. My teachers growing up made me feel so special and I want to do the same for our children. When they enter my classroom I want them to feel loved and important because they are.

    IG Handle: Rashdat


    1. Awwww! We need more teachers like you!!


  22. The most meaningful charm I have is my “Kangaroo and baby” charm. My husband brought it to me in the hospital after I had given birth to my son, and I will cherish it forever.



  23. The angel in gold . it was a present from my big love. And it was my very first gold charm 😍


  24. Exciting charm to win aside, I am basically crying reading this post!!! I hear ya! And scrapbooking on a bracelet – genius!!!

    So tough to choose the most meaningful charm because they almost all are picked for that reason!!! The elephant for my mom, the Thumper from my son, the first enamel heart given to me by my husband, the artists palette found for me by the sweetest friend ever. On and on! Do I have to say one?? Maybe the little teacup that makes my think of ALL the women in my life who are big tea drinkers and such a special part of me! Thank you! 😘


    1. You definitely don’t have to pick one! It’s extremely hard to narrow down! I love all your special charms!! Good luck on this giveaway!


  25. Hi nichol , for me my favorite charm from my pandora collection are my Japan heart pendant because it represent my son who live there now and I don’t see him often ,so when I put in on my bracelet I feel like he is beside me. The magic of the charm and my mother live put together. I have a bracelet with a lot of Japan inspirer charm but this one is my favorite . And finally I have a big Christmas gift this year… he arrive in in canada the 20 december💕


    1. Oooooh how exciting he’s coming to Canada!


  26. Hello.😊 I’m writing yoy from Portugal 😀. Really love how you assemble your pandora bracelets. ( sorry if i make some writing mistakes, havent been practicing english for a long time).
    So, to answer the question and have the possibility to win this cute pretzel here it is:
    The most meaningful bead/charm (for now 😂) is tbe bull terrier hanging charm. I really really love dogs.🐶🐕🐶 When i was little i had a dachshund named Djili but later when she passed away and also because of my mom asthma never get another cutie dog. 😥 So, since Pandora doesnt have a dachshund charm ,my favourite is the little bull terrier, which represents my Djili🥰❤. My instagram name is: vl.ddd

    Bye, kisses


    1. Awwww to represent your little pup!


  27. Absolutely love the meaning behind the pretzel it’s so cute! My favorite charm I have is the intricate lock dangle from pandora as it’s the first charm ever given to me. My boyfriend gave me the heart clasp bracelet and the dangle as our 1st anniversary gift and it now has two clips and multiple charms (a lot inspired by him) and I even got another bracelet! He started my obsession and I don’t regret it 🙂

    My ig name is @itssximee_ (it might be wrong but I follow you so you might find me on your list)


    1. “And I don’t regret it” was my favorite part of that!


  28. My most meaningful charm is probably the divine angel (I think that’s the name). I purchased it a few mother’s days ago to represent my mother who has passed away. Not only is she my angel, but she loved the Christmas season. We’re talking sometimes she’d listen to Christmas music in the summer. Haha… I know. Putting the angel on top of the tree was something we always did together. I love feeling like I have a little piece of her memory with me physically. My insta is @prettyinpandora.


    1. This is an awesome story Michelle!! Thanks for sharing!


  29. My most meaningful charm is Pandora’s Forget Me Not button style charm. My mother suffers from Alzheimer’s/dementia and it is such a struggle watching her lose her ability to communicate and not be able to do and enjoy the things she once did. I hope the day never comes where she ceases to recognize me, so I wear Forget me Not as my prayer for that not to happen.


    1. Oh Linda!!! That is oh so very meaningful!!! Hugs to you and your mom!!


  30. My first Ohm beads is shoes with a “Let ‘s go to the dance” banter. I bought this beads because I put together a “bracelet for a girl”: shoes, flowers, spirits! I still love that bracelet! He reminds me of the fact that I am not only a working firm, mother and many duties!… My bracelet reminds me of the fact that I am a girl)) and should love jewelry))


    1. I love it! We wear so many hats!!! It’s good to remember who we are underneath all that!


  31. I love your Pretzel charms, Nichol. They are perfect for your little Presley girl!!

    I have so many favourite charms!! I would choose the “I Live in Fantasyland” Disney Parks charm, well, because I do live there every day!! 😂😂

    I also love chocolate covered pretzels!!!



    1. And Fantasyland is my favorite part of the park!


  32. The bead that I really enjoy and live is the alien egg, I think is simply gorgeous and makes me remember how I felt the first time I see this film. #LoveBeads #ohmbeads #beadmas2019 #mypandoracharmedlife #beadmascharmedlife
    My insta is @darkstrass_x
    Pd_I loved your blog post


    1. Alien egg!! I don’t even know if I’ve seen that one!


  33. Maria Helena G. G. December 6, 2019 — 3:56 pm

    My first bead was the most importand and the one who started this adiction :). My daughter gift me ‘I live you mom’ bead’. My favourite ❤


  34. The most meaningful charm is the one I got my sister – “Sister’s Love”. When I see her wearing it, it reminds me of how much she cares for me and that I love her!!

    Pretzels are my go-to snack! I love them!



    1. Awwww that is so sweet and made me get a little lumpy throat!


  35. After almost 12 years of collecting, I have many meaningful charms, but one of my most meaningful charms is my first charm. It is a Chamilia cross, which I got when my nephew was born.


    1. So special!! Thanks for sharing Katie!


  36. I love it! My most meaningful charm (while it’s hard to pick) is my Love for Mother Pandora Charm. It was my first pandora piece and I received it on my 5th mother’s day. It says “I Love you Mom” and like you said, there is nothing like the love for a child or the love OF a child. My Insta name is dream kinn.


  37. What a wonderful blog you have, with such pleasure I read)
    The most significant bead for me Ohm Argh, Appreciate every moment-this is my credo.
    “You live miserable because you crave more treasure, more glory.But the best thing you have is time, and you shouldn’t just complain all the time.

    Remember that there are no values in the world that can be stored forever.When people die, they take nothing.Death is always near you, do not waste time on disappointment and regret.Let go of this dark and gloomy mood.Don’t fall for the crying, try thinking of in the mood, regret doubt.Do not sigh anymore, try to cheer and praise life.

    You have found a treasure, a real treasure is the life you now

    Zhullen in IG


  38. What a wonderful blog you have, with such pleasure I read)
    The most significant bead for me Ohm Argh, Appreciate every moment-this is my credo.
    “You live miserable because you crave more treasure, more glory.But the best thing you have is time, and you shouldn’t just complain all the time.

    Remember that there are no values in the world that can be stored forever.When people die, they take nothing.Death is always near you, do not waste time on disappointment and regret.Let go of this dark and gloomy mood.Don’t fall for the crying, try thinking of in the mood, regret doubt.Do not sigh anymore, try to cheer and praise life.

    You have found a treasure, a real treasure is the life you now have!“

    Zhullen in IG


  39. Sister_North_Wind December 6, 2019 — 6:53 pm

    A significant bead is a frog)) When we became friends with our future husband, he gave me a frog toy. For good luck! And then the first bead was a frog)


  40. Love your little Pretzel Presley, Nichol!! She is the cutest and the charms are amazing!!

    I have so many favourites, but I’m choosing my Pandora rose “Part of my Heart” dangle. It reminds me that my mom is always with me and a part of who I am, even if she’s not here physically anymore. 🥰💕



  41. My most meaningful charm is the Spring Birdhouse. My husband got it for me to represent our fort house together. (We lived on a street called Love Bird Ln and the bird on the birdhouse just reminded him of that).

    – Aali


  42. Clare Wall (Bflynn09) December 6, 2019 — 9:06 pm

    The most meaningful charm to me is a silver heart charm I have with a picture of my rescue dog of 11 years, he is my world.


  43. The castle charm is the most meaningful charm I have because it reminds me of home and of my favourite vacation place (Disney). Because my family always goes to Disney together, the castle reminds me of those precious trips we take. Mostly, though, the charm reminds me of home, my family and momma Angie when I’m away living in the big city. The princess can move out of the castle but it will always be home ❤️


    1. Awwwww – you will always be her princess 👸🏼🤗


  44. Your pretzel charm is so special, Nichol!

    If I had to choose only one as my favourite charm, it would be my Disney Parks Annual Passholder charm. It was a dream come true to get be an annual passholder last year and I was so happy to be able to get that special and exclusive charm!!



  45. My most meaningful bead is the Ohm “Magic Books” because it is the first bead I bought from a brand other than Pandora, and I love reading books, especially fantasy novels.


  46. My wife actually bought me a leather bracelet with an angel charm on it. At first I thought it was a bit odd because I thought only women wore pandora. She said that men call it Mandora and I’ve been wearing it ever since.

    Instagram: martinezzzzzzze


    1. Yes!!! Mandora! It’s a thing!


  47. My Most meaningful charm is the a little Pandora heart dangle in red enamel my husband got me for my birthday. It was my first ever Pandora charm and since then I have fallen in love with Pandora and beads.🤗💕💕
    Pretzels is such really cute and precious nickname for your little daughter and it’s so unique. Love it!
    My instagram is ev.whiteswan7


    1. I love that dangle!!!!!

      And thank you!! It’s different and I blame that I can be lispy as how it came about 😂


  48. I love the bead Love Hurts
    It brought me to Ohm
    The meaning is so perfect
    It describes the wear and tear on my heart perfectly in life


    1. it’s a beautiful bead with such raw meaning! thank you for sharing


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